I'm trying out Markdown Monster, and I'd like to have as much screen space available for editing and previewing as possible. I don't need the folder browser when I'm editing, and rarely need it to open files. I can't seem to find a setting to keep it closed. I can close it while I'm editing, but the next time I open Markdown Monster, the folder browser opens again.

or click on the close icon in the small Sidebar toolbar. Hamburger menu to open the sidebar back up.
You can also set up Distraction Free mode (Alt-Shift-Enter) and in the configuration specify what components you want to see. It's then easy to toggle between full mode when you need to pick or create documents, and just heads down writing mode.
Note screen shot doesn't have a toolbar, tabs or statusbar. You can also remove the preview and menu (but that may kill some shortcuts).
+++ Rick ---
Ctrl-Shift-B or click on the close icon in the small Sidebar toolbar
When I do that, the folder browser closes, but it just opens again next time I open MM. Does it do something different for you?
Distraction Free mode
I will look into this, but the instructions seem to mention only toolbar, status bar, tabs, and preview - nothing about folder browser.
Make sure you turn off the auto-follow feature (the two arrows pointing left/right) in the Folder Browser. If on the navigation opens the editor, if off it remembers the settings.
+++ Rick ---