Several MD clients support this:
Some content with Markdown syntax
. Check this api
It generates a colored warning box that look like this syntax:
MDMonster disregards the ::: pair and simply shows the included text as is.
Is there some way to correct this?

We don't have built-in support for Admonition...
+++ Rick ---
Can you file an issue on GitHub, please?
Taking a look around it looks there might be a relatively easy solution by using this MarkDig addin:
It'll have to be modified since MM doesn't use bootstrap explicitly but that's probably minor.
So, I've added basic support for Admonitions boxes in v3.5.24...
Based on DocFx styles, so the styling is different, but that can be customized via custom themes.
+++ Rick ---
- It looks really good
- In addition, MDM table management is excellent
- I have just become a paying customer!

Thank you for the suggestion for Admonitions.
You're the second person in a couple of weeks that's mentioned it, and although I was initially dismissive, it turned out to be a relatively easy thing to implement. It's actually quite useful for many things. I'm adding it to my base Markdown extensions too.
+++ Rick ---
FYI (I know, I know. Just go to your download page. But I like the command line...)
You have MarkdownMonster v3.5.6 installed. Version 3.6.0 is available based on your source(s).
Progress: Downloading MarkdownMonster 3.6.0... 100%
MarkdownMonster v3.6.0 [Approved]
markdownmonster package files upgrade completed. Performing other installation steps.
The package MarkdownMonster wants to run 'chocolateyInstall.ps1'.
Downloading markdownmonster
from ''
Progress: 100% - Completed download of C:\Users\rkaye\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\MarkdownMonster\3.6.0\MarkdownMonsterSetup-3.5.22.exe (16.37 MB).
Download of MarkdownMonsterSetup-3.5.22.exe (16.37 MB) completed.
Note that it moved me back to 3.5.22 when I was at 3.5.6
Ugh... yeah, that's not right 😄
I screwed up the build file - when I roll over to a point version I have to updated the base version (ie. 3.5, 3.6) so it knows where to find the binaries and I forgot, so it installed the last 3.5.22 version.
That said, the last 3.5.22 version has the identical code from a couple of days ago, but you'll probably get prompted to update again soon...
I've updated the Chocolately package to v3.6.1
, but it's going to take a bit until goes live (probably tonight sometime) or you can force install it with the specific version specified (and -f perhaps to force install without validation by Choco).
choco install markdownmonster --version=3.6.1 -f
Meanwhile the download and WinGet are up to date.
+++ Rick ---
I'll give it a few days to percolate. 😃
And I'll add my thanks to the original poster. Admonitions support looks like a splendid addition.
Just be careful with 'add-on' features like Admonitions because they may not be supported by your publishing platform.
For example:
- GitHub doesn't support them
- Help Builder doesn't support them
IOW, the platform that's hosting the Markdown rendering needs to support it. It requires both for the parser to support it and the CSS styling be in place to allow for the formatting.
+++ Rick ---
Good to know.
I mostly use MM for internal purposes. At least until you come out with the MM version of WWHB. 😉
Actually working on it at the moment. The first version is a MM addin that likely won't be public but I'll build a standalone version as well.
The addin is pretty cool but it's a little awkward with its dual modes and distribution and payment for it is a problem, so it'll have to eventually be moved into something separate perhaps based on the base version Markdown Monster. We'll see - in the meantime all the necessary logistics are being worked out.
+++ Rick ---
That's very interesting. 😃
Querying the table in my main help file I've got ~160 topics. More often than not I've got the real-time preview turned off because I find that many of the quirks I've run into are timing issues between typing and rendering. One of the knock-on effects of doing that is occasionally the UI goes completely blank which is a little scary particularly on a larger topic. Fortunately, it's been a while since I lost a topic.
When the time comes let me know if you're looking for a beta tester. I'd also be interested in getting the storage mechanism out of DBFs in case you're considering adding in hooks to do that.
The UI going blank is a refresh issue related to the Webbrowser control eating system events and preventing the UI from updating. If we're talking about the same thing the splitter bar is still visible? If so grab it and drag again and the UI will come back.
It's a long standing bug I've never been able to fix because it's caused by hiding content, but the content not showing even though it's made visible. It corrects in the next UI sizing event.
The new Documentation Monster format uses a JSON file and raw Markdown files (for the body content) in a folder structure for its storage. Optionally everything can be stored in Markdown too, except for the index which is still a JSON file.
The entire project is in memory so it's very fast.
+++ Rick ---