SQL Programming
Updating SQL Server nVarchar field with wwSql
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Updating SQL Server nVarchar field with wwSql
  Jukka Salminen
  Nov 28, 2024 @ 10:42pm

I'm trying to update a nVarchar field on a SQL Server database. Code is as follows:

cSql = "UPDATE [Order] set UdManualTerminalName = '" +;
  left(Thisform.cKommentti, 100) + [' where OrderId = '] + Thisform.cOrderId +[']

If the variable cKommentti contains a scandinavian character "ä" it shows up as "a" on SQL Server. Any chance to change this behavior?


It must have something to do with the japanese collation of the database. Even this does not work:

SELECT 'ÄÖÅäöå' collate SQL_SwedishStd_Pref_CP1_ci_as

Both give the same result: AOAaoa

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Updating SQL Server nVarchar field with wwSql
  Rick Strahl
  Jukka Salminen
  Nov 29, 2024 @ 08:16pm

I recommend using Unicode for SQL Server and then using Unicode to Ansi mapping. That should make everything that you can present in FoxPro pass through correctly to SQL Server - which is really only what your FoxPro codepage supports - everything else will end up as ? or 'stepped down' characters.

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