I am trying to translate data from a web hook into VFP data. The JSON coming in looks like this:
"flowID": "blocktrust-network",
"id": "AJP4RROTUemd86C4j4Bd",
"createdAt": "2024-09-23T18:45:12.892Z",
"fields": {
"first_name": "Gregg",
"last_name": "Bcbvnv",
"email_address": "greggggchgygvcjfehdhg.barfield@ledgerspace.net",
"phone": "979 219 3451",
"zip": "77845",
"sale_date": "10/9/2024",
"auction_type": "JRS Livestock Auction",
"special_program": "JRS Stocker Vac",
"gender_selling": "All Steers",
"number_steers": "56",
"base_weight": "600",
"breed": "Angus, Hereford",
"days_weaned": "45 Days",
"management": "Dehorned, Bunk Broke",
"Please choose an option": "No, they are not tagged.",
"comments_upload-1": "RE Follow up.pdf",
"comments_upload-1_file": "https://builder.prd.heyflow.com/dl/e631e4c13322439f5b12c32bd006c3e5f3bafba23675c105537a85f4af8bea50"
I need to get that URL out of the "comments_upload-1_file" but this code always throws an error. I am guessing because of the dash which VFP thinks is a subtraction symbol and deems it illegal:
STORE loObj2.fields.comments_upload-1_file to upload_file_var
Obviously, the name is out of my control or I would just change it. Can you think of a workaround using West-Wind tools or any other VFP function?
Yes, the field name is invalid - the JSON property has a name that's not allowed in FoxPro (and in JavaScript only via a object["named-property"]
map expression).
IAC, you can't access it using the original name, but wwJsonSerializer strips out invalid characters. Figuring out what it ends up being is a bit tricky - you'll have to use the debugger:
+++ Rick ---