West Wind Internet and Client Tools
Error on wwsftpClient
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Error on wwsftpClient
  Brian Keane
  Jul 4, 2024 @ 04:35am

Downloaded your new version of Client Tools 8 and have tried to get sFTPClient to work and failing on this side. Getting the following error - OLE Error code 0x80131509: Unknown COM status code

Happening in the Connect function of wwSFTPClient on the following line

loSftpClient = loSftp.Connect(lcServer, INT(this.nPort),lcUsername,lcPassword)****

All DLL's are in the folder

My code is below



DO wwutils
DO wwsFTPClient
DO wwDotnetBridge 

lcServer   = ''
lcUserName = 'uds-user'
lcPassword = 'LeMeIn123'
lnPort = 22
lSFTP = .T.

? "***  wwSftpClient Test***"
loFtp  = CREATEOBJECT("wwsFtpClient")
loFtp.cLogFile = "c:\temp\ftp.log" && verbose log - leave empty
loFtp.lIgnoreCertificateErrors = .T.   && self-signed cert not installed

loFtp.cServer   = lcServer
loFtp.nPort     = lnPort
loFtp.cUsername = lcUsername
loFtp.cPassword = lcPassword

IF !loFtp.Connect()
	? loFtp.cErrorMsg

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Error on wwsftpClient
  Rick Strahl
  Brian Keane
  Jul 4, 2024 @ 09:44am

Can confirm. Taking a look... looks like a version mismatch but it might be on my end.

+++ Rick ---

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Error on wwsftpClient
  Rick Strahl
  Brian Keane
  Jul 4, 2024 @ 09:54am

Argh - yes this caused by a missing dependent assembly. The underlying .NET library had rev'd and added a new dependency. I've rolled back to an earlier version that doesn't have these dependencies.

Both shareware and release versions have been updated... re-download to get the latest.

At minimum you'll need to update:

  • Renci.sshnet.dll
  • wwDotnetBridge.dll

But you can update the entire library.

Thanks for catching this...

+++ Rick ---

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Error on wwsftpClient
  Brian Keane
  Rick Strahl
  Jul 5, 2024 @ 04:44am

You are missing ChangeDirectory from wwFTPConnect I copied the function over from wwSFTPConnect and it worked fine here.

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Error on wwsftpClient
  Rick Strahl
  Brian Keane
  Jul 5, 2024 @ 07:45am

Thanks - added on this end as well.

+++ Rick ---

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Error on wwsftpClient
  Richard Kaye
  Rick Strahl
  Jul 5, 2024 @ 10:23am

Should we be seeing different version numbers on the affected DLLs?

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Error on wwsftpClient
  Rick Strahl
  Richard Kaye
  Jul 5, 2024 @ 10:25am

They are updated, but currently only in the client tools.

I'll update the Web Connection ones another time. It's not critical...

+++ Rick ---

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