FoxPro Programming
More information during the sending process
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. More information during the sending process
  Ralph von Loesch
  Mar 20, 2024 @ 06:38am

Hello, Is it possible to get more information during the sending process? I have a customer who seems to have a firewall blocking communication. But I don't get an error message, instead the process hangs on "llResult = loSmtp.Sendmail()". My code currently is:

        llResult = loSmtp.Sendmail()
        IF llResult
           WAIT WINDOW "Mail sent..." nowait
           ? "Mail sending failed: " 
           ? loSmtp.cErrorMsg
           WAIT "Fehler" WINDOW TIMEOUT 5

Thanks and greetings from Berlin Ralph von Loesch

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: More information during the sending process
  Rick Strahl
  Ralph von Loesch
  Mar 20, 2024 @ 09:42am

Unfortunately that's the way the Windows Socket APIs work - if there's something listening but not responding, there's no timeout for that, so the connection just hangs. There are other timeouts but they only apply once a connection has been established. If a connection hangs like this you can assume that it's either being rejected or the server purposefully is not returning a response (as is often the case for proxies to avoid hack attempts).

Either way you likely have the wrong settings for IP or port or Proxy configuration. Note that (.NET - mode=0) SMTP doesn't pick up automatic proxy settings from Windows - proxies have to either be set explicitly or via configuration file (yourapp.exe.config) to enable automatic proxy detection.

+++ Rick ---

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