West Wind Internet and Client Tools
Variable wwVersion_number is not found
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Variable wwVersion_number is not found
  Tomislav Sokol
  Feb 9, 2024 @ 10:33am

Hello! Testing wwHttp in VFP and my prg works fine. But when start procedure from exe it breaks on "do wwHttp" with error above. I have set shared dlls in folder under exe and set path to it addit, and included wwhttp and wwapi, wwcollections, wwdotnertbridge, wwjsonserializer, wwutils to main proc, together with wconnect.h in project. Also have found clrHost.dll needs to be there, so put it also there.

My code goes:

do wwJsonSerializer  && no errors
loSer = CREATEOBJECT("wwJsonSerializer")

DO WWHTTP  && breaks in exe, works in prg
loHttp = CREATEOBJECT("wwHttp")

Any idea what I have missing?

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Variable wwVersion_number is not found
  Richard Kaye
  Tomislav Sokol
  Feb 9, 2024 @ 01:34pm

Make sure you have the wconnect.h file in the proper location and recompile the framework code.

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Variable wwVersion_number is not found
  Rick Strahl
  Tomislav Sokol
  Feb 9, 2024 @ 02:36pm

You need to make sure that wconnect.h is in your FoxPro path when you compile your code. Most of the PRG files reference that header file so it's required at build time or run time if you run directly from source - basically anytime code is compiled. It's not needed for a deployed application running an EXE/App.

So if you're adding files to your own project either add the Client Tools install path to the FoxPro path or copy wconnect.h to your project root folder.

+++ Rick ---

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Variable wwVersion_number is not found
  Tomislav Sokol
  Richard Kaye
  Feb 9, 2024 @ 10:15pm

Thank you, that was it! And after recompile all files, it worked.

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Variable wwVersion_number is not found
  Tomislav Sokol
  Tomislav Sokol
  Feb 9, 2024 @ 10:16pm

I had to put .h file in project root and recompile project, thank you for fast response!

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