West Wind Internet and Client Tools
"httpgetex Variable 'INTERNET_OPTION_IGNORE_OFFLINE' is not found."
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. "httpgetex Variable 'INTERNET_OPTION_IGNORE_OFFLINE' is not found."
  Steve Yu
  Feb 6, 2024 @ 02:12pm

Hi Rick, Need help. VFP 9.0 West Wind Client Tools Version 7.27 April 19th, 2022 Windows 10 PCs, Windows Server 2019 Stadard

We are getting the above error on Lohttp.Post():

api_link = "https://lynxapi.porthouston.com/lynxservice.asmx/" 
mapi_url = ALLTRIM(api_link)+"GetAvailableContainersSQL"   
  mapi_id = Alltrim(api_id) &&username
  mapi_key = Alltrim(api_key) &&pwd
  loHTTP.cContentType ="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  Resp = loHTTP.Post(mapi_url)

mcontainers is a list of containers, a string of about 6000 characters.

But it seems to happen only in .exe version but not in .fxp version.

The .exe was built as Win32 executable that includes \server...\wwhttp.prg. Set Procedure to \server...\wwhttp.fxp wwipstuff.dll in default folder can't find zlib.dll, but do have zlib64.dll and zlib1.dlll on search path, in that order.

Help appreciated.

Steve Yu in Houston

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: "httpgetex Variable 'INTERNET_OPTION_IGNORE_OFFLINE' is not found."
  Rick Strahl
  Steve Yu
  Feb 6, 2024 @ 05:49pm

You need to make sure wconnect.h is available when you build the project or compile your PRG.

The value is defined in there:


+++ Rick ---

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: "httpgetex Variable 'INTERNET_OPTION_IGNORE_OFFLINE' is not found."
  Steve Yu
  Rick Strahl
  Feb 6, 2024 @ 06:01pm


Thanks for the quick reply. wconnect.h is on the search path, but not in the default folder. Would it work to move it to the default folder, or do I need to include it in the project, same place where all the .prg is at (programs) ?

Steve Yu

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: "httpgetex Variable 'INTERNET_OPTION_IGNORE_OFFLINE' is not found."
  Steve Yu
  Steve Yu
  Feb 6, 2024 @ 06:11pm

Oops ! There is an older copy wconnect.h (2007) in the default folder that did not have the variable in question defined. Let me fix it and see what happens.

Appeciated your help very much, as always, Rick.

Steve Yu in Houston

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