West Wind Internet and Client Tools
Please teach me about how to use proxy
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Please teach me about how to use proxy
  Denis Chassé
  Jan 26, 2024 @ 11:02am

Hello all,

Just so you know I presently use West Wind Client Tools 7.23. I'll upgrade in the coming days but for what I want to do right now I don't think it's urgent to upgrade, unless you tell me it's the case.

Ok so now with my problem. I can send email with the following code

loProxy = CREATEOBJECT("wwJsonServiceClient")
lcJson = loProxy.CallService("https://api.smtp2go.com/v3/email/send",lcJson,"POST")
loProxy = null 

If there was an error, for example bad connection, I'll know by looking at the cResultCode in loHTTP. So when there is an error afterwards I want to send that same email again hoping that it will be correctly sent that time.

I did the following in order to simulate sending another email to the same person. Why this code doesn't send two emails to the same person?

loProxy = CREATEOBJECT("wwJsonServiceClient")
lcJson = loProxy.CallService("https://api.smtp2go.com/v3/email/send",lcJson,"POST")
loProxy = null 

loProxy2 = CREATEOBJECT("wwJsonServiceClient")
lcJson = loProxy2.CallService("https://api.smtp2go.com/v3/email/send",lcJson,"POST")
loProxy2 = null 

Only one email is sent.

but this works

lcJson = ;
lcJson = lcJson + ;
	'"to":["À moi <info@gestion-beaute.com>"],'
lcJson = lcJson + ;
    '"sender":"#1 Message envoyé par TeslMLM <testmlm@gestion-beaute.com>",'
lcJson = lcJson + ;
     '"subject":"Hello Test",'
lcJson = lcJson + ;
	    '"text_body":"Contenu avec fin ou sans"'
lcJson = lcJson + ;

loProxy = CREATEOBJECT("wwJsonServiceClient")
lcJson = loProxy.CallService("https://api.smtp2go.com/v3/email/send",lcJson,"POST")
loProxy = null 

lcJson2 = ;
lcJson2 = lcJson2 + ;
	'"to":["À moi <info@gestion-beaute.com>"],'
lcJson2 = lcJson2 + ;
    '"sender":"#1 Message envoyé par TeslMLM <testmlm@gestion-beaute.com>",'
lcJson2 = lcJson2 + ;
     '"subject":"Hello Test",'
lcJson2 = lcJson2 + ;
	    '"text_body":"Contenu avec fin ou sans"'
lcJson2 = lcJson2 + ;

loProxy = CREATEOBJECT("wwJsonServiceClient")
lcJson = loProxy.CallService("https://api.smtp2go.com/v3/email/send",lcJson2,"POST")
loProxy = null 

The only difference is that one is sent with lcjson and the other lcjson2. What do I have to understand here?


Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Please teach me about how to use proxy
  Rick Strahl
  Denis Chassé
  Jan 27, 2024 @ 10:31am

I'd imagine it's the service provider - they probably interpret that as an identical email and reject it.

Try changing the recipient and see if that works.

+++ Rick ---

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