Web Connection
Handler Status Page access issue
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Handler Status Page access issue
  Stein Goering
  Jan 13, 2024 @ 11:59am

Ran into another (presumably unrelated) issue with the customer referenced in my previous post. When trying to bring up the WC Handler Status Page, we can't get past the login dialog. We had 2 different staff try their credentials which they insisted were valid - but the entries were not accepted. We have AdminAccount set to ANY and the staff user was explicitly granted Full Control of the webconnectionmodule.dll file.

Since we couldn't get into the admin page, we manually edited the web.config file and set MessagingMechanism to File which worked to put it in File mode. However, we also set AutoStartServers to True but that did not produce the expected behavior. We had to have someone log into the server console and manually launch the exe. Assuming their ExeFile setting is correct (I will have them double check that), what else would prevent the exe from auto-starting in File mode?


Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Handler Status Page access issue
  Rick Strahl
  Stein Goering
  Jan 14, 2024 @ 06:03pm

Make sure Windows Authentication is enabled and they are logging in with a local account or domain that IIS can verify.

+++ Rick ---

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