FoxPro Programming
Windows 11 -- VFP Defaults
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Windows 11 -- VFP Defaults
  Harvey Mushman
  Dec 27, 2023 @ 05:37am

After installing VFP 9 with SP2 and Hot Patch on Windows 11, I can't seem to get the default fonts to show up correctly throughout the user interface.

When Browsing a table, I had to set Table > Font to "MS Reference Sans Senf", Font Style: "Regular" Size: "8". This fixed viewing a table in the Browser.

But the status line at the bottom of the IDE is still using the wrong font.

The screen shot below shows what I'm seeing when I look at VFP Tools > Options. The labels on the tab options are all wrong. This is the same font and over lapping conditions I see in the VFP status line at the bottom of the IDE. Changing fonts on the IDE settings does not affect this problem.

After comparing the setup options between my Win 10 machine to this new Win 11 machine, in the VFP > Tools > Options > File Locations, I found that "Search Path" was blank. So I copied the value from my Win 10 machine, and restarted the computer after saving the new search path as the default. This had no affect on the problem.


Any ideas how to set the VFP default font?

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Windows 11 -- VFP Defaults
  Rick Strahl
  Harvey Mushman
  Dec 27, 2023 @ 04:02pm

I think those settings are controlled by your Windows Font settings.

I highly recommend that you use Segoe UI for anything system related as the old MS font does not scale.

I suspect you either have a very large font set in one of your sizing options, or you're running a very high scaling mode and for some reason the font is not scaling correctly in VFP (since VFP uses custom UI scaling that isn't directly based off the Windows settings).

+++ Rick ---

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Windows 11 -- VFP Defaults
  Arcadio Bianco
  Harvey Mushman
  Dec 28, 2023 @ 06:20pm

Try installing the SSERIFE.FON font and see if it solves your problem.



Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Windows 11 -- VFP Defaults
  Harvey Mushman
  Arcadio Bianco
  Jan 21, 2024 @ 12:51pm

After downloading and unzipping the file in the link, I copied the sserife.fon file to my desktop. I then double clicking on it and selected Install. After restarting VFP the problem was solved.

Thank You!

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Windows 11 -- VFP Defaults
  Arcadio Bianco
  Harvey Mushman
  Jan 22, 2024 @ 02:25am

Great news! Excelent week.

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Windows 11 -- VFP Defaults
  Harvey Mushman
  Arcadio Bianco
  Jan 23, 2024 @ 07:45am

Actually, I spoke a bit too soon... The install of the old font as Rick pointed out was not scalable and by making it a default font, some of the default applications in Windows showed up with tiny type. The calendar for example was so small, it was unreadable while the start menu was fine.

The answer was to go back through Windows Fonts again and click on the Reset to Defaults button which I'm assuming reactivated the Segoe UI font. No matter, now both VFP and Windows seem to be correct.

Thanks again for the help.

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Windows 11 -- VFP Defaults
  Rick Strahl
  Harvey Mushman
  Jan 23, 2024 @ 01:52pm

Yeah - get rid of Sans Serif. It's a big handicap...

Old versions of FoxPro (pre 8.0 I think) used to use that as the default font, so if you have older applications they likely have MS Sans Serif as the default fonts, although if you left the font at the default settings (ie. didn't explicitly set the font or changed it back and forth) it should still pick up the current FoxPro default which should be Segoe UI.

+++ Rick ---

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Windows 11 -- VFP Defaults
  Harvey Mushman
  Jul 8, 2024 @ 07:13am

Hey, I feel your frustration with VFP 9 on Windows 11—I've dealt with font issues in software updates before. Have you tried adjusting compatibility settings for VFP or reinstalling with admin rights? Sometimes that can iron out font glitches. As for upgrading to Windows 11 Pro, I recently did it and had a smooth experience activating it with a key from Digital Chill Mart. They made it straightforward, which was a relief.

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Windows 11 -- VFP Defaults
  Harvey Mushman
  Jul 8, 2024 @ 07:37am

Thanks for your reply, the problem was solved several months ago. The solution was posted above. Best...

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