" Index out of bounds of the array " exception when opening localizationAdmin
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. " Index out of bounds of the array " exception when opening localizationAdmin
  Kevin Marco
  Sep 8, 2023 @ 01:46am

Hello !

Hope you are doing okay .

We have been using WestWind globalization in our application, but lately when trying to open the localizationAdmin and change some of our translations , we see an error message "Index out of bounds of the array" and the corresponding translations don't appear . We are using WestWind.Globalization version 2.10 and WestWind.Web version 2.66.

I was able to check the table to verify our data, but I have not seen any problem in the structure of the ids of our entries. After a bit of analysis with dev tools I have noticed the following error message :

Cache-Control: private Content-Type: application/json Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5 X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319 Persistent-Auth: false X-Powered-By: ASP.NET X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

{"isError":true,"statusCode":500,"message":"Index was outside the bounds of the array.","data":null,"resultData":null,"detail":" at Westwind.Web.CallbackMethodProcessorHelper.ExecuteMethod(String method, Object target, String[] parameters, CallbackMethodParameterType paramType, CallbackMethodAttribute\u0026 callbackMethodAttribute)\r\n at Westwind.Web.JsonCallbackMethodProcessor.ProcessCallbackMethodCall(Object target, String methodToCall)","source":null}

Looking at the Call made in the network tab, i saw that it was the POST method "GetResourceItems" that returned an error 500.

Do you have any idea of what can cause such errors ? is this a known error and is there already a fix for this ?

Have a nice day !

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: " Index out of bounds of the array " exception when opening localizationAdmin
  Rick Strahl
  Kevin Marco
  Sep 8, 2023 @ 09:20am

There's no support for this older version. You can hook up and run with the source code to take a look.

I imagine the issue likely is that no data was returned or the query is failing. You can look at the handler code.

If it worked previously and stopped working without anything changing in code the likely culprit is the database not retrieving the data.

+++ Rick ---

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: " Index out of bounds of the array " exception when opening localizationAdmin
  Kevin Marco
  Rick Strahl
  Oct 19, 2023 @ 11:24pm

Hello !

Thank you for your answer, we are still having trouble with this problem,

as it seems the tool works with the GetAllRessourcesForRessourcesGrid, but not for GetRessourcesItems only.

Could i ask which version of westwind globalization is still being supported ?

Thank you and have a nice day

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