FoxPro Programming
ChatGpt and VFP
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. ChatGpt and VFP
  Bob Roenigk
  Jan 10, 2023 @ 01:11pm

There has been a lot of media about ChatGPT capabilities and several articles on its ability to program in any language. I did a quick search of this forum and found a request for a password checker. Here is what I asked of ChatGPT and the results.

*Write a visual foxpro function that will check passwords for strength. Return a numeric rating. *

FUNCTION CheckPasswordStrength(cPassword as String) as Integer
    LOCAL nScore as Integer
    nScore = 0
    LOCAL nUpperCount as Integer
    LOCAL nLowerCount as Integer
    LOCAL nDigitCount as Integer
    LOCAL nSpecialCount as Integer
    LOCAL cChar as String
    LOCAL nLength as Integer
    LOCAL cLastChar as String
    LOCAL lConsec as Logical
    LOCAL lRepeat as Logical
    LOCAL cAlphas as String
    LOCAL cNumerics as String
    LOCAL cSpecials as String
    cAlphas = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    cNumerics = "01234567890"
    cSpecials = "!@#$%^&*?_-"
    nLength = LEN(cPassword)
    * Check length
    IF nLength > 7
        nScore = nScore + 1
    * Check for uppercase letter
    nUpperCount = 0
    FOR i = 1 TO nLength
        cChar = SUBSTR(cPassword, i, 1)
        IF ASC(cChar) >= 65 AND ASC(cChar) <= 90
            nUpperCount = nUpperCount + 1
    IF nUpperCount > 0
        nScore = nScore + 1
    * Check for lowercase letter
    nLowerCount = 0
    FOR i = 1 TO nLength
        cChar = SUBSTR(cPassword, i, 1)
        IF ASC(cChar) >= 97 AND ASC(cChar) <= 122
            nLowerCount = nLowerCount + 1
    IF nLowerCount > 0
        nScore = nScore + 1
    * Check for digits
    nDigitCount = 0
    FOR i = 1 TO nLength
        cChar = SUBSTR(cPassword, i, 1)
        IF ASC(cChar) >= 48 AND ASC(cChar) <= 57
            nDigitCount = nDigitCount + 1
    IF nDigitCount > 0
        nScore = nScore + 1
    * Check for special characters
    nSpecialCount = 0
    FOR i = 1 TO nLength
        cChar = SUBSTR(cPassword, i, 1)
        IF !INLIST(cChar, cAlphas+cNumerics)
            nSpecialCount = nSpecialCount + 1
    IF nSpecialCount > 0
        nScore = nScore + 1
    * Check for consecutive characters
    cLastChar = ""
    lConsec = .F.
    FOR i = 1 TO nLength
        cChar = SUBSTR(cPassword, i, 1)
        IF cChar = cLastChar
            lConsec = .T.
        cLastChar = cChar
    IF !lConsec
        nScore = nScore + 1
    * Check for repeating characters
        lRepeat = .F.
    FOR i = 1 TO nLength
        cChar = SUBSTR(cPassword, i, 1)
        IF OCCURS(cChar, cPassword) > 1
            lRepeat = .T.
    IF !lRepeat
        nScore = nScore + 1
    * Return the password strength rating
    return nScore

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: ChatGpt and VFP
  Rick Strahl
  Bob Roenigk
  Jan 11, 2023 @ 03:38pm

So - does that code actually work correctly? 😄

I played around with ChatGPT for a few things a while back and while I marvelled at the code it generated, it usually didn't get the job done. Unless you know what the code is supposed to do exactly and you can verify, you can't trust that code to be correct.

For me, the big plus is it can help with:

  • Ideas of things to try
  • A starting point for code

Just don't trust ChatGPT to get it right.

+++ Rick ---

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