Markdown Monster
Edit Table not functioning
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Edit Table not functioning
  Edward Brookman
  Sep 9, 2022 @ 02:17pm

I use the built-in table editor. I create a few rows of information. I save the file and embed it. Then when I highlight the table and right click, edit table, it launches the table editor, but it is blank.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Edit Table not functioning
  Rick Strahl
  Edward Brookman
  Sep 10, 2022 @ 10:57am

Hmmm... can you provide more detail - it works fine for me.

Does it work when you create a new table with the table editor? What happens when you edit a simple table?

Only thing I can think of is that the table you're editing might not be a valid table layout... Can you post your table?

+++ Rick ---

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Edit Table not functioning
  Edward Brookman
  Rick Strahl
  Sep 13, 2022 @ 08:25am

This is the full md file. I created it using the table editor and only make edits using the table editor. Looks fine in the preview but when open it in the table editor all hell breaks loose.

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Alt+tab Windows Switch between open programs. Quickly switch between the currently running apps.
tmux new -s name Create new bash session Linux Tmux / Shell / Bash (CTRL+b, d) to leave running
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tmux ls or list-sessions lists current sessions Linux Tmux You can write a script that launches tmux with the required programs. I have the following in a shell script that I call dev-tmux. A dev environment: #!/bin/sh tmux new-session -d 'vim' tmux split-window -v 'ipython' tmux split-window -h tmux new-window 'mutt' tmux -2 attach-session -d So everytime I want to launch my favorite dev environment I can just do $ dev-tmux
tmux split-window -h Splits sessions horizontally
tmux list-keys
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tmux info Lists every session, window, page, pid etc.
tmux + d detach current session
tmux ctrl-b, d detach current session
tmux PAIN Management Panes Management (: swap-pane -U ) - move current pane up 3 (: swap-pane -D ) - move current pane down «C-a>f ( : swap-pane -L )- move current pane to the left ) (: swap-pane -R ) - move current pane to the right C-a>q - show pane numbers (type number to move cursor) «c-a>«Space> - toggle pane arrangements Resize Pane :resize-pane -U [i] - move horizontal divider up by [i] lines :resize-pane -D [i] - move horizontal divider down by [i] lines S :resize-pane -L [i] - move vertical divider left by [i] columns :resize-pane -R [i] - move vertical divider right by [i] columns resize-pane [-DLRUZ] [-x width] [-y height] [-t target-pane] [adjustment] Close Pane . x ( :ki11-pane ) - kil current pane Misc S c-a>t - show time D «c-a»r - reload config
tmux cursor PANE management Close Window & ( :kil1-window ) - kil window Panes New Pane (%) «C-a>| ( :splitw [-v] [-p width] [-t focus] [cmd] ) - split current pane vertically (") «C-a>s (: splitw -h [-p width] [-t focus] [cmd] ) - split current pane horizontally Cursor Movement D (0) ( : selectp -t :.+ ) - move cursor to the next pane «C-a>«Up> ( : selectp -U ) - move cursor to the pane above e (: selectp -D ) - move cursor to the pane below o «C-a>«Left> (: selectp -L ) - move cursor to the pane to the left o «C-a>«Right> (: selectp -R ) - move cursor to the pane to the right S : selectp [i] - move cursor to the pane [i]
Ctrl+Z UNDO Windows
Ctrl+Y REDO Windows
Ctrl+A Select ALL Windows
Ctrl+V PASTE Windows
Ctrl+C COPY Windows
Ctrl+F FIND / SEARCH Windows
printenv Display environment variable names Linux Environment / Shell eddyb@ubuntu-test-server-100:~$ printenv SHELL=/bin/bash PWD=/home/eddyb LOGNAME=eddyb XDG_SESSION_TYPE=tty MOTD_SHOWN=pam HOME=/home/eddyb LANG=en_US.UTF-8
env Shell environment info. Linux Environment / Shell
export Saves variable to environment Linux Environment / Shell Allows other bash session to access variable.
ls list files Linux Files ls -l , ls -la, ls -ltr
Ctr + X CUT / DELETE Windows

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Edit Table not functioning
  Rick Strahl
  Edward Brookman
  Sep 13, 2022 @ 09:04pm

Took a look and there's some problem with the Close Window section. If that section is removed the table shows up fine.

Also your table as posted doesn't include the closing table line - but that didn't make the table fail to be parsed once I removed the offending row.

I'll take a look, but my guess is it's related to some formatting combination that breaks the table parsing.

Looks like the pipe character | in that field is the problem...

+++ Rick ---

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Edit Table not functioning
  Rick Strahl
  Edward Brookman
  Sep 13, 2022 @ 10:39pm

Ok, so the issue is related to a couple of things:

  • | characters in a Grid table have to be escaped as \|
  • But even with that the table was still broken due to invalid parsing of this \|
  • This is now fixed in (pre-release download)

To explain:

The | character on its own in Markdown inside of a Grid Table is treated as a column separator so using it as content without escaping breaks the table - that's why the table fails to parse. The | throws off the column count in the row it's used. A | in grid (or pipe) table content is not valid on its own for this reason.

Despite that however Markdown Monster was broken as it also didn't correctly parse the escaped pipe \| character. That is now fixed.

So to fix for your exact scenario:

  • Update to
  • Change the | in the Markdown to \|
  • Now edit should work

When you edit in the editor the escaped \| is turned into | for editing. When you embed the table it'll correctly encode the pipe to \| in the Markdown.

Note: Even with the new version this will still break if the table initially has | instead of \| in content as the pipe will be interpreted as an extraneous column that unbalances the table.

+++ Rick ---

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Edit Table not functioning
  Edward Brookman
  Rick Strahl
  Sep 14, 2022 @ 08:15am

Excellent. Thank you. I will download and test. I noticed that the source of most of these issues came when I copied the markdown of a section from the editor, e.g. block section or a code block section, and then pasted it into the table editor. All of a sudden, the extra pipe characters showed up and caused issue. If I copied the exact same section from the preview or web view, there were no issues.

So, is it possible to copy/paste into the table editor from the md editor without this issue?

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Edit Table not functioning
  Rick Strahl
  Edward Brookman
  Sep 14, 2022 @ 10:28am

The issue is that | characters need to be encoded in Markdown. If you paste an encoded \| from Markdown into the editor it will be encoded and result in an extra \. MM handles the conversion when you edit the table or format, but not when you type or paste. Basically you need to be aware of | in your markdown and do the right thing visa vis encoding (in Markdown) or not encoding (in the table editor).

+++ Rick ---

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Edit Table not functioning
  Edward Brookman
  Rick Strahl
  Sep 14, 2022 @ 02:04pm

I am looking at a process flow that handles these issues. Does Github still work with only pipe and html tables.

Big Question: How to modify width of columns OR the table itself. When the data in my columns grows, the table does not center properly and starts to expand to the right. It looks awkward. Is there a limit to table and or page size. Can I change this setting somewhere?

Thank you

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Edit Table not functioning
  Rick Strahl
  Edward Brookman
  Sep 14, 2022 @ 03:29pm

The Markdown syntax has no support for table widths or layout - tables will just auto-adjust. How it renders is determined by the platform that hosts it. GitHub pretty much uses a completely auto-sizing table with a max-width: 100%.

Although GitHub supports HTML tables it doesn't allow most custom tags so even if you were to add custom styling and column widths that doesn't actually render on GitHub (although it will show in the MM preview).

Markdown tables are not well suited for lots of data in cells. It works but there's very little control.

+++ Rick ---

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Edit Table not functioning
  Edward Brookman
  Rick Strahl
  Sep 15, 2022 @ 06:12am

Thank you! Excellent feedback and information.

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