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WC 7.2x Running BUILD from PowerShell
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. WC 7.2x Running BUILD from PowerShell
  Harvey Mushman
  Aug 10, 2022 @ 10:32am

After installing a new WC 7.20 on my local system and creating the Publishing application described Rick's article, the batch file was named with the file extension ".ps1". This thru me off until I realized this was a Windows PowerShell batch file... or so I thought!

After executing the batch file within PowerShell (as Administrator)( PS .\Build.ps1), I discovered the ZIP file that was to be created was not generated. I had followed the directions in the article and installed 7-Zip and tested from the Windows Start menu that it was correctly installed (both 32bit and 64bit zip files can be created) but the batch command would not generate the archive file of Build folder.

Searching the web for answers, I discovered 7-Zip does not start the same on PowerShell as it does in Windows CMD line... the program path and file name to execute must be spelled out in PowerShell. And renaming the .ps1 to .bat and starting from the command prompt generated a lot of errors.

So I ran the Build.ps1 from PowerShell and manually zipped up the Build folder.

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: WC 7.2x Running BUILD from PowerShell
  Harvey Mushman
  Harvey Mushman
  Aug 10, 2022 @ 04:18pm

After rebooting my machine, the Build.ps1 batch file not only worked from PowerShell but the 7-Zip archived the Publishing site. Guess it just needed to be restarted after the install. Sorry to bother you with this issue.

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