West Wind Internet and Client Tools
Looking for example code using traditional foxpro forms and wwBusinessObject
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Looking for example code using traditional foxpro forms and wwBusinessObject
  Jeff L Roberts
  May 4, 2022 @ 10:39am

Hi anyone, I realize I may be looking for ancient artifacts by now, but maybe not. I have been tasked with maintenance and occasional feature adds to some existing Foxpro systems. I'd like to try and make any new forms as flexible and easy to follow as possible and I am already invested in Web Connection. So if by some chance there is some existing code out there where folks are using wwBusinessObjects in traditional Foxpro Apps that someone is willing to share or is already posted publically and someone could point me to, I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks in advanced, Jeff

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Looking for example code using traditional foxpro forms and wwBusinessObject
  Rick Strahl
  Jeff L Roberts
  May 4, 2022 @ 05:19pm

You can use wwBusinessObject with FoxPro forms no problem. The main difference is that for entities you're likely to bind to an object - like loCustomer.oData - instead of a record in the DB.

+++ Rick ---

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