.NET Development
SignalR Dashboard
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. SignalR Dashboard
  Craig Tucker
  Jan 9, 2021 @ 01:15pm

Hi Rick, I am looking to build a "live" dashboard and have a few questions.

I plan on incorporating some of the following technologies, .NET 5, SignalR, D3 Graphics, REST API calls, Angular, and EF Code First. I am not sure which .NET 5 template to start off with since it covers multiple technologies (not just one). What would you recommend?

Also, would you put this in a cshtml page like QMM or would you suggest something different?

I am also wanting to implement some West Wind .NET5 utilities, EFCode First and any other nice utility wrappers.

As always, your advise is much appreciated!

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: SignalR Dashboard
  Rick Strahl
  Craig Tucker
  Jan 9, 2021 @ 06:59pm

I'd advise using separate projects for the client side JavaScript code and the .NET Server side code. Don't combine - it may work great when you get started but keeping things updated will be much harder especially for the Angular part. So set up two sites - Angular Client site and the .NET Server site.

Maybe take a look at the Album Viewer sample application which pretty much follows the model.

You know where to find me if you want help with project setup. It's important to get that right otherwise you'll end up moving things later which is much more difficult.

+++ Rick ---

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: SignalR Dashboard
  Craig Tucker
  Rick Strahl
  Jan 11, 2021 @ 01:39pm

Thank you for the feedback Rick. Hoping to connect with you sometime this week on specifics after I get through some red tape. Craig

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