FoxPro Programming
VBS code to give a new name to an old app version and then rename a just downloaded file to the application name
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. VBS code to give a new name to an old app version and then rename a just downloaded file to the application name
  Alejandro A Sosa
  Mar 25, 2020 @ 10:39am

Rick, you once published an article that provided code to allow a customer to download an upgrade of an app and also create a vbs file that gives the previous version app file a new name, and then renamed the just downloaded version file to the proper app name.

Can you point me to it please? I am interested on the vbs aspect, mostly.



Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: VBS code to give a new name to an old app version and then rename a just downloaded file to the application name
  Rick Strahl
  Alejandro A Sosa
  Mar 25, 2020 @ 03:38pm

Look at the wwCodeUpdate class in Web COnnection or the Client Tools. It does this and uses a FoxPro executable instead which is a better solution. VBS is not enabled on most machines. I guess PowerShell would work instead and be a better choice, but using an EXE also works.

That said - I would strongly advise against doing this. If your application is installed on the machine in Program Files (x86) as it probably should be you, you won't be able to update your EXE without Admin privileges. Additionally if a machine is running Anti-virus software chances are it will flag the update as malicious.

This was a good idea some time ago, before UAC (ie. XP and older) but since then this is probably not going to be reliable.

I used to do updates like this but have changed to doing updates by notifying users and linking them to a download page. As an alternative you can download the new or update installer in to Downloads on the machine and then open Explorer or the installer running from there - the installer should then prompt for elevation of prompts and that would be much more legit and give the user the confidence to have control over the update process.

+++ Rick ---

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