long string error in wformcallback
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. long string error in wformcallback
  Arcadio Bianco
  Dec 5, 2019 @ 11:31am

How can I get around this by using a long string in the form callback return??

HTTP Error 404.15 - Not Found The request filtering module is configured to deny a request when the query string is too long.

Most likely causes: Request filtering is configured on the Web server to deny the request because the query string is too long.

Actions you can try: Check the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits@maxQueryString setting in the applicationhost.config or web.config file.

Detailed Error Information: Module RequestFilteringModule Notification BeginRequest Manipulator AboMapperCustom-8861 Error Code 0x00000000 Requested URL http: // localhost: 80 / easyTest / MethExec.easy? & MethAddr = wformcallback19 & ObjAddr = cad_atend1_scx-button_padrao1 & UserID = 5N40WQE80 & PageInit = & nReq = 6 & ValueType = object & Value =% 7B% 22% 22% 22%%%:% 22% 22,% 22fast% 22:% 22% 22,% 22 medically% 22:% 22% 22,% 22obs% 22:% 22Family% 20with% 20c% C3 %Acer% 20from% 20ma% 20 /% 201% 20 /% 20J% C3% A1% 20made% 20surgery% 20in% breasts?% 20 /% 202% 20 /% 20Cadastro% 2012% 20 /% 203% 20 /% 20Test% 20quest% C3% A3oss% 20 /% 204% 20 / % 20TEST% 20DE% 20THESIS% 20444% 20 /% 205% 20 /% 20READY% 201234567890% 20 /% 206% 20 /% 20READER% 202ssestest33346% 20 /% 207 %20ESTEST% 20SOFTEASY% 2018:14SOFTEASYSS% 20 /% 208% 20 /% 20EIGHT% 20DAYS% 20% C3% 9ADIS% 20 /% 209% 20 /% 20Cadastro% 201% 20 /% 2010% 20 /% 20NEW% 20QUESTA% 20 /% 2011% 20 /% 20DIAB% C3% 89TICO ???% 20 /% 2012% 20 /% 20EST% C3% 81% 20EM% 20FAST% 20?% 20 /% 2013% 20 /% 20NEW% 20QUESTA3% 20 /% 2014% 20 /% 20TEST% 20TEST% 20 /% 2015Test% 20 /% 20Test% 20Test% 20Test224445WWW% 20 /% 2016Test% 20TEST% 20DE% 20READS% 20ADSFSDF% 20 /% 2017Test% 20from% 20this question% 20 /% 2018% 20 /% 20 TAK% 20 MEDICATION% 20?% 20 /% 2019% 20 /% 20 THIS% 20 /% 2010 THIS% 20 /% 20TEST% 202332..OLEgAWWWW% 20 /% 2020% 20 /% 20Family% 20with% 20c% C3% A2Cancer% 20from% 20ma% 20 /% 201% 20 /% 20J% C3% A1% 20made% 20surgery% 20in% 20mamas?% 20 /% 202% 20 /% 20Cadastro% 2012% 20 /% 203% 20 /% 20Test% 20quest% C3% A3oss% 20 /% 204% 20 /% 20TEST% 20From% 20444% 20 /% 205% 20 /% 20READY 201234567890% 20 /% 206% 20 / % 20Cadastro% 202ssestest33346% 20 /% 207% 20 /% 20TEST% 20SOFTEASY% 2018:14SOFTEASYSS% 20 /% 208% 20 /% 20EIGHT% 20DAYS% 20% C3% 9ADIS% 20 /% 209% 20 /% 20Cadastro% 201% 20 /% 2010% 20 /% 20NEW% 20QUESTA% 20 /% 2011% 20 /% 20DIAB% C3% 89TICO ???% 20 /% 2012% 20 /% 20EST% C3% 81% 20EM% 20FAST% 20?% 20 /% 2013% 20 /% 20NEW% 20QUESTA3% 20 /% 2014% 20 /% 20TEST% 20TEST% 20 /% 2015Test% 20 /% 20Test% 20Test% 20Test224445WWW% 20 /% 2016Test% 20TEST% 20DE% 20READS% 20ADSFSDF% 20 /% 2017Test% 20from% 20this question% 20 /% 2018% 20 /% 20 TAK% 20 MEDICATION% 20?% 20 /% 2019% 20 /% 20 THIS% 20 /% 2010 THIS% 20 /% 20TEST% 202332..OLEgAWWWW% 20 /% 2020% 20 /% 22,% 22obsfat% 22:% 22% 22,% 22txtautert% 22:% 220rupT00: 00: 00Z% 22,% 22txtdtsolic% 22:% 220rupT00: 00: 00Z% 22,% 22txtemissaoguia % 22:% 220whelT00: 00: 00Z% 22,% 22txtprevious tab% 22:% 22% 22,% 22txtnextguide% 22:% 22% 22,% 22txtvalue% 22:% 220PRESST00: 00: 00Z% 22,% 22__opc% 22:% 22% 22% 7D% 22% 22% 7D% 22% 22% 7D% 22% 22% 7D% 22% 22% 7D% 22% 22,% 22txtutorialguide% 22:% 220rupT00: 00: 00Z% 22,% 22txtdtsolic% 22:% 220rupT00: 00: 00Z% 22,% 22txtemissaoguia% 22:% 220-00 -00T00: 00: 00Z% 22,% 22textmajorguide% 22:% 22% 22,% 22txtnoneguide% 22:% 22% 22,% 22txtmajor%%:% 220plementT00: 00: 00Z% 22,% 22__opc% 22:% 22% 22% 7D% 22% 22,% 22txtutorialguide% 22:% 220rupT00: 00: 00Z% 22,% 22txtdtsolic% 22:% 220rupT00: 00: 00Z% 22,% 22txtemissaoguia% 22:% 220-00 -00T00: 00: 00Z% 22,% 22textmajorguide% 22:% 22% 22,% 22txtneaguide% 22:% 22% 22,% 22txtleaver% 22:% 220plementT00: 00: 00Z% 22,% 22__opc% 22:% 22% 22% 7D Physical path C: \ seazure \ easylabwebfoxpro \ Site \ easyTest \ MethExec.easy Login Method Not yet determined Login User Not yet determined

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: long string error in wformcallback
  FoxInCloud Support - Thierry N.
  Arcadio Bianco
  Dec 6, 2019 @ 06:56am

Hi Arcadio,

You can increase the limit in request filtering :

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