Web Connection User Discussions
Intermittent connectivity issues with httpget()
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Intermittent connectivity issues with httpget()
  Michael B
  Nov 25, 2019 @ 12:45pm


I am having an intermittent issue when trying to reach a legacy WSDL. Before going too deep I thought I should ask what the best way to confirm or deny that this is in fact a connectivity/security issue before I raise a hand with my clients tech support. I can open a browser and navigate to the endpoint and see the contents of the wsdl. My thought was that if I can do that, so should httpget() be able to without an issue.

If you agree, then maybe a quick ping to that endpoint before trying to use it is in order, this way I can more consistently respond with a friendly error page.

What do you think?


Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Intermittent connectivity issues with httpget()
  Rick Strahl
  Michael B
  Nov 26, 2019 @ 12:02am

If you can get to it with a browser with a plain address bar navigation then yes you should be able to do the same with loHttp.Get().

Most of the time intermittent problems are related to not properly shutting down HTTP connections. Make sure if you use wwHttp you create new instances for each request you make and don't reuse.

+++ Rick ---

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