West Wind Internet and Client Tools
Sendmail not sending. SmtpLog not logging.
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Sendmail not sending. SmtpLog not logging.
  Jill Lindgren
  Nov 20, 2019 @ 11:44am

I have been using SendMail successfully for about a year now. All of a sudden it is timing out and I have no idea why. There is a line in the code: loSmtp.cLogFile = FULLPATH("SmtpLog.txt") That .txt file never gets written to. I'm wondering if there is another command I'm missing to update the log file to somehow try to figure out why I can't get a single email to send now.

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Sendmail not sending. SmtpLog not logging.
  Rick Strahl
  Jill Lindgren
  Nov 21, 2019 @ 12:58am

If you're using the .NET component then logging will not go there. It only logs for the Win32 based (non TLS) version of wwipstuff. For .NET you'll need to use .NET Tracing which can be set up in the YourApp.exe.config file. It's not clean but the information is there...

Here's some more info on how this can be set up and what you can expect to see:


A better choice is highlighted in that answer which is to use a protocol sniffer like WireShark to look at the actual traffic going over the connection.

That said - if you have problems you should start with the error messages that wwSMTP returns - if you have connection issues due to missing addresses/firewalls or TLS connection issues, there won't be anything to see in the traces with any version because the socket will simply not connect and that's the end of that.

+++ Rick ---

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