Web Connection
wwBusinessObject: Delete() should use ExecuteNoQuery()
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. wwBusinessObject: Delete() should use ExecuteNoQuery()
  Matt Slay
  Jul 25, 2019 @ 04:31pm

Rick - the Delete() method should call oSql.ExecuteNonQuery() rather than justExecute().

The reason I make this request is that Execute() will change the current work alias, as it creates a new cursor even though we are sending the DELETE command to Sql Server. I was not expecting a cursor to be created, or for my current work alias to be changed, so it caused problems that I had to work around in my local code.

If you corrected it to use ExecuteNonQuery(), the current work alias will not change, which I would find much better.

FUNCTION Delete(lnPk)
LOCAL lcPKField, lnResult


    RETURN .F.

lcPKField = THIS.cpkfield

*** Try to load the record if a PK was passed
IF EMPTY(lnpk)
    lnpk = THIS.odata.&lcPKField

	CASE THIS.ndatamode = 0
    *** Delete the record
    DELETE FOR &lcPKField = lnpk
	CASE THIS.ndatamode = 2
    THIS.csql = "DELETE FROM " + THIS.cfilename + " WHERE " +THIS.cpkfield + " =" + TRANSFORM(lnpk)
    lnResult = THIS.osql.execute(THIS.csql)
    IF lnResult # 1
        RETURN .F.
	CASE THIS.ndatamode = 4
    lnResult = THIS.ohttpsql.execute("DELETE FROM " + THIS.cfilename + " WHERE " +THIS.cpkfield + " =" + TRANSFORM(lnpk) )
    IF lnResult < 0
        RETURN .F.

*** And clear the data area

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: wwBusinessObject: Delete() should use ExecuteNoQuery()
  Rick Strahl
  Matt Slay
  Jul 26, 2019 @ 01:27pm

ExecuteNonQuery() calls .Execute() so in theory this shouldn't be any different.

FUNCTION ExecuteNonQuery(lcSQL, llStoredProcedure)

THIS.naffectedrecords = 0

lnResult = THIS.Execute(lcSQL,,llStoredProcedure)

While wwBusinessObject.Delete() does:


Which in effect is the same thing? How are you seeing different results? At the end of the day it all runs through SQLEXEC() which either creates a cursor or not depending on the query type and which is determined by the FoxPro engine.

+++ Rick ---

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: wwBusinessObject: Delete() should use ExecuteNoQuery()
  Matt Slay
  Rick Strahl
  Jul 26, 2019 @ 04:29pm

Yes, I see what you are saying.

After a little more digging around, I see that the issue I reported by caused my own code.

I agree, no reason to change wwBusiness code.

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