Web Connection
Web Connection 7.06 is here
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Web Connection 7.06 is here
  Rick Strahl
  May 23, 2019 @ 05:39pm

Hi all,

I've just released Web Connection 7.06. This release is primarily a maintenance release that consolidates a few bugs that slipped in post 7.05. All of these were fixed and pushed out via update releases, but these and a few additional ones have been consolidated into this new release.

There are also a couple of big improvements on the development side with updates for Live Reload and the Launcher in this release.

There's a lot more detail in the blog post, but here's the quick summary and a small video:

  • Live Reload
    This big time-saving feature can automatically detect when you make code changes, and automatically refresh the browser as well as automatically restart your FoxPro server. This allows you to literally just make a code change and immediately see the new code running in the browser. WYSIWYG on steroids!.

    In v7.06 I've removed the dependency on the third pary BrowserSync tool, and moved that functionality directly into the Web Connection .NET Module which is much faster and once enabled completely self-contained without external dependencies.

    Here's a quick video of what that feature looks like:

  • New Launcher
    A new Launcher script that makes it easier to launch your Web Connection site at development time using a number of different operational modes. Examples: DO Launcher with "IISEXPRESS", DO LAUNCHER WITH "BROWSERSYNC" to replace lauching your main program directly.

As always if you're a registered user you should have gotten a notification to download the new version. To check out Web Connection you can download and install the Shareware version from the download page.

Check it out!


+++ Rick ---

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