User Security Manager
User Security Manager - SQL enabled or VFP only?
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. User Security Manager - SQL enabled or VFP only?
  Mike McDonald
  Jan 18, 2019 @ 03:06pm

Rick -

Does the User Security Manager for Web Connection work with SQL data, or is it VFP only?

- Mike McDonald

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: User Security Manager - SQL enabled or VFP only?
  Rick Strahl
  Mike McDonald
  Jan 18, 2019 @ 05:49pm

For now FoxPro only...

Actually the issue isn't the User Security manager but the wwUserSecurity class, which only goes against FoxPro data. That class is meant to be subclassed though and wouldn't be hard to add SQL support.

The reason that wasn't done before because the original implementation was so simple and really only dealt with the Authentication and nothing else - it was basically a single method to override. Now there are a few additional things to add.

We'll see - so far very little interest, so not that excited to spend more time on it unless there's a more requests...

+++ Rick ---

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