2.28.0-beta.7 updated
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. 2.28.0-beta.7 updated
  FoxInCloud Support - Thierry N.
  Sep 26, 2018 @ 12:47pm


At 2018-09-26 21:46:57 GMT+2, we have updated V 2.28.0-beta.7 installation on our site with improved focus on form's lowest tabindex control in Bootstrap mode.

Please download it again if you want to test this latest version.

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: 2.28.0-beta.7 updated
  Gilles Lajot-Sarthou
  FoxInCloud Support - Thierry N.
  Sep 27, 2018 @ 06:33am

Hi Thierry

With beta 7, in handling the LostFocus () of a TextBox object I get the following error message when the VALID () method of the TextBox object contains code that calls an THISFORM.wForm () 09/27/18 02:26:39 PM awajax.lSuccess(.f.): Erreur détectée à la ligne n° 14,125 de la méthode 'awajax.useraction' "FoxInCloud n'a pas pu traiter cette requête : Awajax.useraction() - Erreur dans l'exécution de la méthode 'prescripteur_scx.prescrip.Lostfocusinet(m.this.uValue)' : Méthode ou procédure osiblingtabindex() : erreur n° 107 ("Opérateur et opérande incompatibles") à la ligne n° 652 Paramètres reçus :

  • Valeur : "rigal"
  • Objet : prescrip

Événement : blur Méthode : aucun Propriété : aucun" Call stack: 1 .processhit (561) > 2 .process (903) > 3 .routerequest (922) > 4 bvwprocess.process (2715) > 5 wwprocess.process (272) > 6 bvwprocess.domevent (4615) > 7 bvwprocess.ajaxformrequest (4631) > 8 awajax.formrequest (9258) > 9 awajax.useraction (14126)

Exe: "C:\CAL\CAL.exe", version 2.0.0 of 2018-09-27 02:20:48 PM (il y a 6 minutes) Process ID: 1948

* ========================================
function oSiblingTabIndex && {fr} Frère d'un object dans un conteneur selon un différentiel de tabindex
lparameters ;
  toObject; && {fr} Objet
, tnTabIndex; && {fr} Différentiel de TabIndex
, tlControl; && [.F.] {fr} tabuler seulement les contrôles

&& 2018-09-11 thn -- {FiC V 2.28.0-beta.2} {en} improved; tlControl added
&& 2018-09-18 thn -- {FiC V 2.28.0-beta.4} {en} works for controls in the same container

local loResult;
, laSibling[1], lnSibling, liSibling, loSibling, llUp

do case
case empty(m.tnTabIndex) or !lProperty(m.toObject, 'tabIndex')
	return m.toObject
case varSet(@m.lnSibling, aoSiblings(@m.laSibling, m.toObject,, .t., @m.tlControl)) and Empty(m.lnSibling)
	return .null.
*!*		CASE VARTYPE(m.tnTabIndex) == 'C' && code qui évite l'erreur
*!*		RETURN m.toObject
* setStepOn(Lower(m.toObject.Name) == Lower('txtnom35'))
	llUp = m.tnTabIndex > 0
	tnTabIndex = m.toObject.tabIndex + m.tnTabIndex
	loResult = m.laSibling[1]
	for liSibling = 1 to m.lnSibling
		if .T.;
		 and Iif(m.llUp, laSibling[m.liSibling, 2] >= m.tnTabIndex, laSibling[m.liSibling, 2] <= m.tnTabIndex);
		 and varSet(@m.loSibling, m.laSibling[m.liSibling, 1]);
		 and m.loSibling.tabStop;
		 and m.loSibling.enabled;
		 and (!m.tlControl or m.loSibling.visible);
		 and .T.
			loResult = m.loSibling

	return m.loResult

in this case in the above function aoboop.oSiblingTabIndex() the tnTabIndex parameter contains the TextBox.VALUE instead of TextBox.tabindex Amicalement Gilles

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: 2.28.0-beta.7 updated
  FoxInCloud Support - Thierry N.
  Gilles Lajot-Sarthou
  Sep 27, 2018 @ 06:41am

Thanks for the feedback and for posting a debugger screenshot.

However I need all the debugger windows visible, including the call stack (especially here as the error is due to the tnTabIndex parameter) and the locals

Thanks in advance

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: 2.28.0-beta.7 updated
  FoxInCloud Support - Thierry N.
  Gilles Lajot-Sarthou
  Sep 27, 2018 @ 06:47am

this fix should work:

modify class awfrm of aw method lostFocusInet


loResult = ICase(;
	m.lcVarType == 'O',;
		m.luResult,; && You can direct where focus is assigned using the optional oObjectName parameter in the RETURN command of the Valid Event. The object specified must be a valid Visual FoxPro object. If the specified object is disabled or cannot receive focus, then focus is assigned to the next object in the tab order. If an invalid object is specified, Visual FoxPro keeps the focus at the current object. You can now set focus to objects on another visible form or on a non-visible Page or Pageframe control.
		oSiblingTabIndex(; && modify command abOOP.prg
		, m.luResult;
		, .T.; && m.tlControl


loResult = ICase(;
	m.lcVarType == 'O',;
		m.luResult,; && You can direct where focus is assigned using the optional oObjectName parameter in the RETURN command of the Valid Event. The object specified must be a valid Visual FoxPro object. If the specified object is disabled or cannot receive focus, then focus is assigned to the next object in the tab order. If an invalid object is specified, Visual FoxPro keeps the focus at the current object. You can now set focus to objects on another visible form or on a non-visible Page or Pageframe control.
	m.lcVarType == 'N',;
		oSiblingTabIndex(; && modify command abOOP.prg
		, m.luResult;
		, .T.; && m.tlControl

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: 2.28.0-beta.7 updated
  Gilles Lajot-Sarthou
  FoxInCloud Support - Thierry N.
  Sep 27, 2018 @ 08:57am

Merci Thierry It's all good! Amicalement Gilles

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