FoxPro Programming
Talking to SalesForce
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Talking to SalesForce
  Sep 18, 2017 @ 10:09am

I know this might be an old subject but I'm trying to find the best way of integration with SalesForce and again I'm too new to the idea.
We need to do some basics to start like UPSERT for Accounts & Contacts.
I was wondering if I can use SalesForce REST APIs directly from Foxpro using wwHTTP & wwJsonSerializer.
Would you please let me know if it's something practical and/or recommended or if there are better ways of doing so?
Thank you,

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Talking to SalesForce
  Michael Hogan (Ideate Hosting)
  Sep 19, 2017 @ 09:51am

I've done this with several API's (Amazon and others). Unfortunately, there are not a lot of code samples to go by. Sometimes I have to massage the wwJSON structure to conform to the API's requirements, or construct the string in code (using the 5.x version of wwJSON).

There are also some curl libraries out there which others favor - I prefer minimizing external dependencies on other programs... HOWEVER I have found the Chilkat libraries to be particularly helpful and worth the extra install. and particularly which specifically has oAuth for Salesforce.

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Talking to SalesForce
  Michael Hogan (Ideate Hosting)
  Sep 21, 2017 @ 06:49am

Thanks for your help Michael.
I think I'll have to get back to you on this for more details.

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Talking to SalesForce
  Oct 17, 2017 @ 09:48am

Hello friends,
I would like to share some of my experience and challenges with Salesforce and its connectivity with Foxpro using wwHTTP & wwJSONserializer. I appreciate other experiences on this as well as any correction.

1- For using open APIs you need to sign up for the Enterprise Edition(you can use the trial ver.):

  • You need to sign up for the Enterprise Edition and get a username & password
  • You need to register a New App and get a Consumer Key & a Consumer Secret so login to Salesforce.
  • Go to Setup (Click on the industrial gear wheel icon on the top-right corner)
  • Find/Search for Apps ' App Manager ' New Connected App (from the top-right corner of the page) ; for later use go to "Manage Connected APPs"
  • Complete the New Connected App form
  • Click Save. The Consumer Key is created and displayed, and the Consumer Secret is created (click the link to reveal it).
  • Or you may go to "App Manager" and click on the down-arrow button in front of your connected app to "View" it (NOTE: Not edit it, view it to see the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret).

2- You may start your coding and the first thing you do is to loging into your Salesforce account and get a session ID using your username & password + your connected app Consumer Key & Concumer Secret.
You can do this by using wwHTTP but NOTE that you cannot send your login request as JSON, it has to be like loHttp.cContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" as for Salesforce (as of now) doesn't support JSON for login requests using oAuth!
But you're able to get the respond in JSON format! So you can get lcAccessToken = loResultObject.access_token which is your Session ID. Now, you should be able to use your session ID for calling the rest of the REST APIs, like Insert/Update/Delete/Upsert Contacts or Accounts or else.
You will only need to pass the correct parameters to wwHTTP like the specific URL and other parameters.

After the following NOTEs below, there is an example of how to connect to Salesforce and use the connected app for getting a session ID and do all of the above by Foxpro & wwHTTP & wwJSONserializer.

NOTE for using External ID:
You can add External IDs for your connectivity purposes. For adding External IDs, again:

  • Login to your Salesforce Account on the browser.
  • Add an External ID, name it.
    o Under Setup click Object Manager -> click on your considered Sobject (Contacts in our case) -> Fields & Relationships -> Click on "New" button
    o Then the new CustomField setup page will come up -> Follow the steps to set it up as an External ID and Unique ID if it's required.

In our case it's MyApp_cntPK__c is our External ID.
You may use it in your codes:

NOTE for BULK UPSERT to Salesforce:
You may not be able to see the Bulk uploaded contacts on the websiteàContacts list due to permission or etc.! So to check and see the Bulk uploaded contacts on the Salesforce website you will need to do this: * Login to Salesforce

And here is some examples and please note this is not a working code:

*** Parameter ltMethod can be: "READACT", "READCNT", "INSERTCNT", "DELETECNT", "UPDATECNT", "UPSERTCNT", "BULKUPSERT" (ACT: account, CNT: Contact)
*** NOTE: My Accounts'/Contacts' data is hard-coded for this test purpose.
*** Links ***
*** Link for Workbench for quick tests: And then choose RestExplorer
*** Link for seeing the Account/Contact/... object fields/properties: In workbench type: "/services/data/v40.0/sobjects/Contact/describe" or see the documentation:!
*** 0- Loging into SalesForce (Should be Enterprise Edition for Open APIs) lcUrl = ""      && Note: loHttp.cContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
*** 1- Reading Accounts by Query:  lcUrlAct = ",Name+FROM+Account"  
*** 2- Reading Contacts by Query:  lcUrlCnt = ",MyApp_cntPK__c,Name,Phone,AccountID+FROM+Contact"	
*** 3- Inserting a Contact by cHTTPverb=POST & External ID:lcUrlCnt = ""	&& Note: loHttp.cContentType = "application/json"
*** 4- Deleting a Contact  by cHTTPverb=DELETE & External ID: lcUrlCnt = "" + ["lcMyApp_cntPK__c"]+ MyApp_cntPK__c 	
*** 5- Updating a Contact  by cHTTPverb=PATCH & External ID:  lcUrlCnt = "" + ["lcMyApp_cntPK__c"]+ MyApp_cntPK__c		&& Note: loHttp.cContentType = "application/json"
*** 6- Upserting a Contact by cHTTPverb=PATCH & External ID:  lcUrlCnt = "" + ["lcMyApp_cntPK__c"]+ MyApp_cntPK__c
*** 7- Bulk Upserting Contacts: See the "BULKUPSERT" Case below for it needs multiple API calls (Creating a Job, Submitting a Batch, Closing the Job and probably monitoring the status)

LOCAL lcMyApp_cntPK__c, lcSalesforceApiVersion, lcGrantType, lcClient_id, lcClient_secret, lcUserName, lcPassword 

lcMyApp_cntPK__c = "WXUTY"	&& Hard-Coded External ID

lcSalesforceApiVersion = "v40.0"	&& The hard coded "v40.0" ones should be replaced with lcSalesforceApiVersion 
lcGrantType = "password"			

*** The Client_id and the Secret key are comming from our Connected APP as mentioned above. ***
lcClient_id = "TEST9g9rbsTkKnAX7NhL8VAIThQnu0YoWcNUinqBAWwk3PPDIQ3U9VwSn7fRK5_7Jey_wdVNbV26v40XWubwH"
lcClient_secret = "6316559857453632126"

lcUserName = ""
lcPassword = "MY3i5PASS"	

*** 0- Loging into SalesForce ***

lcUrl = ""

lcEncodedData = "grant_type="+lcGrantType + "&client_id="+lcClient_id + "&client_secret="+lcClient_secret + "&username="+lcUserName +"&password="+lcPassword 

DO wwHttp
DO wwJsonSerializer
loHttp.cContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
loHttp.nHttpPostMode = 4
loSer = CREATEOBJECT("wwJsonSerializer")
lcJsonResult = loHTTP.HTTPGet(lcURL)
loSer.FormattedOutput = .T.	&& Please do a revision for this. Has to be after serializing!
loResultObject = loSer.DeserializeJson(lcJsonResult)

lcIssued_at = loResultObject.issued_at
lcInstanceUrl = loResultObject.instance_url					
lcAccessToken = loResultObject.access_token
lcTokenType = loResultObject.token_type	&& lcTokenType is "Bearer"
lcSignature = loResultObject.signature
*** END OF Loging into SalesForce ***

*** You can keep using the same HTTP object for the rest of the REST API calls.
*** you will need to ADDHeader the Access_Token(Session_ID) and adjust the url according to what you need.
*** Also you will probably need to adjust loHttp.cHTTPVerb and loHttp.cContentType according to what you need and Salesforce documentation on using APIs.

loHTTP.AddHeader("Authorization: "+ lcTokenType + " " + lcAccessToken)

   CASE ltMethod = "READACT"

		*** 1- Reading Accounts ***
		lcUrlAct = lcInstanceUrl + "/services/data/v40.0/query?q=SELECT+Id,Name+FROM+Account"
		lcJsonActResult = loHTTP.HTTPGet(lcUrlAct)
		lcJsonActResultObj= loSer.DeserializeJson(lcJsonActResult)

		? lcJsonActResultObj
		? lcJsonActResultObj.done
		? lcJsonActResultObj.records
		? lcJsonActResultObj.totalsize
		CREATE CURSOR cAccounts (;
					  Name	c(100),;
					  ID	c(20))

		FOR i=1 TO lcJsonActResultObj.totalsize
			m.Name = lcJsonActResultObj.records.Item(i).name
			m.ID   = lcJsonActResultObj.records.Item(i).ID
		*** END OF Reading Accounts ***

   CASE ltMethod = "READCNT"

		*** 2- Reading Contacts ***
		lcUrlCnt = lcInstanceUrl + "/services/data/v40.0/query?q=SELECT+Id,Name,Phone,AccountID+FROM+Contact"
		lcJsonCntResult = loHTTP.HTTPGet(lcUrlCnt)
		lcJsonCntResultObj = loSer.DeserializeJson(lcJsonCntResult)

		? lcJsonCntResultObj
		? lcJsonCntResultObj.done
		? lcJsonCntResultObj.records
		? lcJsonCntResultObj.totalsize
		CREATE CURSOR cContacts (;
					  Name	c(100),;
					  ID	c(20),;
					  AccountID c(30))

		FOR i=1 TO lcJsonCntResultObj.totalsize
			m.Name = lcJsonCntResultObj.records.Item(i).name
			m.ID   = lcJsonCntResultObj.records.Item(i).ID
			m.AccountID = lcJsonCntResultObj.records.Item(i).AccountID

		*** END OF Reading Contacts ***

   CASE ltMethod = "INSERTCNT"

		*** 4- Inserting Contact + Setting MyApp ID: && IMPORTANT: Before doing this, External Key has to be added in Salesforce(go to your salesforce page on the browser go to Setup)->Setup->Sobject->Fields & Relationships->New->CustomField->(Then follow the steps to set up): MyApp_cntPK__c
		*** Using POST for Insert will give a "MyApp_cntPK__c duplicate value" message if it finds duplication, PATCH won't give any message! So keep PATCH for UPSERT ***
		lcUrlCntAdd = lcInstanceUrl + "/services/data/v40.0/sobjects/Contact"
		loHttp.cHTTPVerb = "POST"
		loHttp.cContentType = "application/json"

		loSer = CREATEOBJECT("wwJsonSerializer")
		loContact = CREATEOBJECT("Empty")
		ADDPROPERTY(loContact,"AccountID","0011I000004Tw7test")	    && AccountID is hard-coded to create the new contact under my specific account.
		ADDPROPERTY(loContact,"MyApp_cntPK__c",lcMyApp_cntPK__c)	&& Contact ID is READ-ONLY generated by Salesforce. We're setting our External ID for the connectivity.
		*** Properties are always rendered lower case so we should make sure these properties render in proper case so we use the following method:
		loSer.PropertyNameOverrides = "FirstName,LastName,AccountID,MyApp_cntPK__c"
		lcJson = loSer.Serialize(loContact)

		lcJsonCntInsertResult = loHTTP.HTTPGet(lcUrlCntAdd)
		lcJsonCntInsertResultObj = loSer.DeserializeJson(lcJsonCntInsertResult)
		IF AT("success",lcJsonCntInsertResult) > 0  
			? lcJsonCntInsertResultObj.success 
			? lcJsonCntInsertResultObj.item(1).message

		*** END OF Inserting Contact ***

   CASE ltMethod = "DELETECNT"

		*** 3- Deleting Contact by External ID; MyAppID *** 
		lcUrlCnt = lcInstanceUrl + "/services/data/v40.0/sobjects/Contact"
		lcContactMyAppID = "MyApp_cntPK__c" + "/" + lcMyApp_cntPK__c 
		lcUrlCntDelete = lcUrlCnt + "/"+ lcContactMyAppID

		loHttp.cHTTPVerb = "DELETE"
		lcJsonCntDeleteResult = loHTTP.HTTPGet(lcUrlCntDelete)
		? lcJsonCntDeleteResult 
		&& If it's successful Deleting the contact record, there's no message and the result is empty!
		&& If the contact is already deleted, the message/errorCode will be "ENTITY_IS_DELETED" which means the IsDeleted property is ture!

		*** END OF Deleting Contact ***

   CASE ltMethod = "UPDATECNT"

		*** 5- Updating Contact by External ID; MyAppID ***
		lcUrlCnt = lcInstanceUrl + "/services/data/v40.0/sobjects/Contact"
		lcContactMyAppID = "MyApp_cntPK__c" + "/" + lcMyApp_cntPK__c 
		lcUrlCntUpdate = lcUrlCnt + "/"+ lcContactMyAppID
		loHttp.cHTTPVerb = "PATCH"	
		loHttp.cContentType = "application/json"

		loSer = CREATEOBJECT("wwJsonSerializer")

		*** Properties are always rendered lower case so we should make sure these properties render in proper case so we use the following method:
		loSer.PropertyNameOverrides = "FirstName,LastName,AccountID,MyApp_cntPK__c"

		loContact = CREATEOBJECT("Empty")

		lcJson = loSer.Serialize(loContact)

		lcJsonCntUpdateResult = loHTTP.HTTPGet(lcUrlCntUpdate)
		? lcJsonCntUpdateResult 

		*** END OF Updating Contact ***

   CASE ltMethod = "UPSERTCNT" 

		*** 6- Upserting Contact by External ID; MyAppID ***
		***    Duplicated ones get updated and not inserted ***
		lcUrlCnt = lcInstanceUrl + "/services/data/v40.0/sobjects/Contact"
		lcContactMyAppID = "MyApp_cntPK__c" + "/" + lcMyApp_cntPK__c
		lcUrlCntUpdate = lcUrlCnt + "/"+ lcContactMyAppID
		? lcUrlCntUpdate 

		loHttp.cHTTPVerb = "PATCH"	
		loHttp.cContentType = "application/json"

		loSer = CREATEOBJECT("wwJsonSerializer")

		*** Properties are always rendered lower case so we should make sure these properties render in proper case so we use the following method:
		loSer.PropertyNameOverrides = "FirstName,LastName,AccountID,MyApp_cntPK__c"

		loContact = CREATEOBJECT("Empty")

		lcJson = loSer.Serialize(loContact)
		loHTTP.AddPostKey(lcJson)  && this sets the entire post buffer

		lcJsonCntUpdateResult = loHTTP.HTTPGet(lcUrlCntUpdate)
		? lcJsonCntUpdateResult 

		*** END OF Upserting Contact ***

   CASE ltMethod = "BULKUPSERT"	

		*** 7- Insert in bulk by BULK APIs Create a Job, Submit Batch, Close Job, Batch Status, if numberRecordsFailed is 0, then we're done! ***
		***    Create a Job: POST /services/async/40.0/job
		***    Submit Batch: POST /services/async/40.0/job/750280000018ch2AAA/batch
		***    Close Job:    POST /services/async/40.0/job/750280000018ch2AAA
		***    Batch Status: GET /services/async/40.0/job/750280000018ch2AAA/batch/75128000001RukcAAC
		***    As an example, we're doing a Bulk Data Load by Salesforce Bulk APIs passing our cursors as JSON using wwJSONserializer ***

		*** Creating a Job ***
		LOCAL lcBulkApiJobID, lcCntBulkBatchId, lcUrlBulkJobStatus
		lcBulkApiJobID = ""
		lcCntBulkBatchId = ""
		lcUrlBulkJobStatus = ""
		lcUrlBulkJob = lcInstanceUrl + "/services/async/40.0/job"
		*** According to Salesforce: The operation value must be all lower case.
			TEXT TO lcJobJson 
				{"operation" : "upsert","object" : "Contact","externalIdFieldName" : "MyApp_cntPK__c","contentType" : "JSON"}

		DO wwHttp
 		loHttp.cContentType = "application/json"

		loSer = CREATEOBJECT("wwJsonSerializer")

		lcJsonBulkJobResult = loHTTP.HTTPGet(lcUrlBulkJob)
		? lcJsonBulkJobResult 

		lcJsonBulkJobResultObj = loSer.DeserializeJson(lcJsonBulkJobResult)
		lcBulkApiJobID = 

   		*** Submit Contact Batch ***

		lcUrlBulkJobBatch = lcInstanceUrl + "/services/async/40.0/job/"+ lcBulkApiJobID +"/batch"

   		SELECT MyTable_FirstName as FirstName, MyTable_LastName as LastName, MyTable_phone as Phone, ;
   			   MyTable_cellphone as MobilePhone, MyTable_fax as Fax, MyTable_email as Email, ;
   			   "0011I000004Tw7Test" as AccountID, MyTable_pk as MyApp_cntPK__c;
   			FROM MyTable ;

		loSer = CREATEOBJECT("wwJsonSerializer")
		*** Properties are always rendered lower case so we should make sure these properties render in proper case so we use the following method:
		loSer.PropertyNameOverrides = "FirstName,LastName,Phone,Email,AccountID,MyApp_cntPK__c"
		lcCntBulkJson = loSer.Serialize("cursor:c_CntBatch")
		loHttp.cHTTPVerb = "POST"
		lcJsonCntBulkResult = loHTTP.HTTPGet(lcUrlBulkJobBatch)
		? lcJsonCntBulkResult 

		lcJsonCntBulkResultObj = loSer.DeserializeJson(lcJsonCntBulkResult)
		? lcJsonCntBulkResultObj.state
		lcCntBulkBatchId =

		*** Status of a Job ***
		IF !EMPTY(lcBulkApiJobID) AND !EMPTY(lcCntBulkBatchId)
			lcUrlBulkJobStatus = lcInstanceUrl + "/services/async/40.0/job/" + lcBulkApiJobID + "/batch/" + lcCntBulkBatchId
			loHttp.cHTTPVerb = "GET"
			lcJsonCntBulkStatusResult = loHTTP.HTTPGet(lcUrlBulkJobStatus)
			? lcJsonCntBulkStatusResult
			lcJsonCntBulkStatusResultObj = loSer.DeserializeJson(lcJsonCntBulkStatusResult)
			? lcJsonCntBulkStatusResultObj.state
			? lcJsonCntBulkStatusResultObj.numberrecordsfailed 
		*** Close a Job ***
		lcUrlBulkJobClose = lcInstanceUrl + "/services/async/40.0/job/" + lcBulkApiJobID
			TEXT TO lcJobCloseJson 
				{"state" : "Closed"}
		loHttp.cHTTPVerb = "POST"
		lcJsonBulkJobCloseResult = loHTTP.HTTPGet(lcUrlBulkJobClose)
		? lcJsonBulkJobCloseResult

		*** END OF Bulk Upserting Contact ***

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