Web Connection
Web Control rendering issue
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Web Control rendering issue
  Stein Goering
  Aug 26, 2017 @ 11:58pm

Minor bug in the wwWebTextBox.Render method (in WebControls.prg).

	*** TextBox
	CASE lcTextMode = "singleline"
	   lcOutput = lcOutput + [<input type="text" ] + lcBaseTags + [value="] + this.WriteEncodedAttributeString(this.Text)+ [" />]
	*** TextArea
	CASE lcTExtMode = "multiline"
	   lcOutput = lcOutput +  [<textarea ] + lcBaseTags + [>] + this.Text + [</textarea>] + CRLF
	*** Password
	CASE lcTextMode = "password"  
	   lcOutput = lcOutput +  [<input type="password"] + lcBaseTags + [value="] + this.WriteEncodedAttributeString(this.Text) + [" />] 
	CASE lcTextMode = "hidden"
	   lcOutput = lcOutput + [<input type="hidden" ] + lcBaseTags + [value="] + this.WriteEncodedAttributeString(this.Text) + [" />]

There is no trailing space following type="password", resulting in HTML like this:

<input type="password"id="txtPwd" 

which in turn results in complaints from my web designer.

Simple enough to add the space - can you do the same so it won't break next time we upgrade?



Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Web Control rendering issue
  Rick Strahl
  Stein Goering
  Aug 27, 2017 @ 11:33pm

Done. Thanks Stein.

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