HTML, CSS, JavaScript
reply-to different from sender address not working on android smartphone
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. reply-to different from sender address not working on android smartphone
  Jan 30, 2017 @ 03:15pm

Hi, Im using the creplyto command in a code Im writting up that send reports in html format to different clients emails. The "creply" or reply-to: is different from the sender email. When I open the received email on a computer client the reply goes to the right email (defined in the "creplyto" part of the code), if I open the same email in a smartphone and click on the reply option ,it sends it to the email that originally sent the email. ( Sender email)

I need for the email to send the reply to a different email thats not the sender to work on a computer email client or an smartphone email client.

Have you seen this before?

Thanks! JP

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: reply-to different from sender address not working on android smartphone
  Harvey Mushman
  Feb 1, 2017 @ 03:53pm

I don't think there is anyway to trick the reply button from JavaScript. The best you can do is to add a anchor tag to an html form and in the href attribute include the "mailto:" protocol at the begining of the email address. It looks something like the following:

<a class="btn btn-primary"  href="">REPLY</a>

Replace the with the target email address you want to send to. YOu can also force a subject and the body text as parameters with this method.

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: reply-to different from sender address not working on android smartphone
  Rick Strahl
  Feb 2, 2017 @ 04:05pm

Whether the reply-to header is used or not, depends on the email client. The header is a hint that the email client needs to respect in order to reply to a message but an email client isn't required to do that.

That said most email clients do respect that header. What email client are you using and on what device?

+++ Rick ---

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