Markdown Monster
Create new markdown file from link
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Create new markdown file from link
  Dan Raymond
  Jun 23, 2020 @ 03:41am


Is there away to create a new markdown file from a link in my document. Example: I create mynewfile. In other markdown editors prompts to create the file if it doesn't exist in the current folder - only for markdown files though. Ideally when I ctrl-click it would check the current folder and offer to create "" for me?

Is there a way do to this in Markdwon Monster?

Thank you

Thank you

Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. re: Create new markdown file from link
  Rick Strahl
  Dan Raymond
  Jun 23, 2020 @ 12:57pm

No that's not built-in. Not really sure that's an expectation either although it does sound like a useful feature.

Which other editors are you talking about here? This is more of a feature in a code editor 😃 (a la Resharper or Visual Studio).

You can add an issue on GitHub to add it to the queue:

+++ Rick ---

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